Cosmetic Clinic
At Nufresh Skin & Cosmetic Clinic, we provide a wide range of cosmetic treatments using highly tested and quality products to help you achieve your goals. All of our patients receives an individually tailored treatment plan specifically for them, provided by highly experienced and qualified cosmetic team.
Cosmetic injections offer a safe, effective and non-invasive cosmetic treatment to reduce and prevent fine lines. Cosmetic injections are capable of delivering long-lasting results for a range of skin related conditions and concerns. At Nufresh Skin & Cosmetic Clinic, we proudly offer dermal fillers, anti-wrinkle injections and cosmetic lip fillers.
The muscles of the face allow us to express a range of emotions. Over time the repeated use of facial muscles cause lines and wrinkles to occur, particularly around the frown area, and may even make you look angry or worried, even when you are not. Over time you may even notice the lines get deeper. Anti-Wrinkle Injections relax facial muscles with a series of fine injections to soften the appearance of wrinkles and prevent the formation of new ones. Made from a purified protein solution, Anti-Wrinkle Injections temporarily block the signal between the nerve and muscle to prevent dynamic wrinkles (wrinkles that are visible with expression) becoming static wrinkles (wrinkles that are always visible).
Dermal Fillers are a cosmetic injectable treatment that restores volume, corrects symmetry and enhances facial features. The Dermal Fillers are made from complex sugar chains, also known as hyaluronic acid. We offer a no obligation consultation to discuss how cosmetic injections, either Anti-Wrinkle Injections or Dermal Fillers, may be the solution for you. Call us now on (02) 8252 6599 for any questions regarding cosmetic injections or simply to make an appointment.

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