Travel Medicine

Australians love to travel, and each year about 4.5 million international departures occur, more than half to countries where vaccine preventable diseases are prevalent.

Our Doctors are able to source accurate and up-to-date information and provide appropriate travel medicine services for our patients. It is advisable to seek our advice 6 to 8 weeks prior to travelling. Our doctors will review your travel plans along with your individual medical history and other information, in order to provide tailored advice and treatment.

Common issues facing travellers
Providing you advise on travel health is as important as the vaccines and medication that is often prescribed, we will assist you with both verbal and written education for some of the common issues that face all travellers, such as:

  • Eating and drinking safely
  • Insect avoidance
  • Traveller’s diarrhoea management
  • Dog bite management
  • The need for travel insurance

Vaccinations recommendations will depend on your travel itinerary, current health status and your budget. In principle, it is important to:

  • Update any routine vaccinations relevant to Australia
  • Recommend any vaccines relevant to usual daily lifestyle and work
  • Consider travel vaccines and make recommendations based on specific risk
Traveller’s Medical Kits
Traveller’s medical kits are part of good preparation. They contain prescription and non-prescription medications and first aid items to treat common travellers’ ailments early and avoid complications or need for accessing treatment while travelling. Typically, they deal with gastrointestinal and respiratory infections. They are travel specific, prescribed for the individual, should be fully documented, and be accompanied by detailed instructions and authorisation to ensure unimpeded travel.