Weight Loss Clinic
What happens at the Infinity Health Zetland weight loss clinic?
Today 1 in 3 Australians are overweight or obese, compared to 1 in 5 in 1995, according to the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, Obesity Overview. *
To tackle the growing epidemic of obesity in Australia, Infinity Health now offers a metabolic and weight loss clinic that is bulk billed for walk in patients.
During your first consult your weight waist and scale measurements will be taken, your body mass assessed, your blood pressure measured, and our team of doctors and nurses will directly address your metabolic concerns which may include:
- Underlying medical illness that can impact weight such as Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, Diabetes, Depression, Sleep Apnoea, Asthma, Hypertension and Arthritis – all among the myriad conditions that are linked to weight issues
- Lifestyle factors that can impact weight
- Dietary and exercise changes that can help bring your weight down
- How to bring up the subject of weight gain with loved ones such as partners or children if you are concerned about weight issues in the family
- As metabolic diseases are complex and impact multi-organ systems, our highly skilled team can also direct you to specialists as required, for instance a respiratory specialist for asthma worsened by weight gain, or a sleep apnoea test when weight impacts sleep quality.
- Whilst weight gain has clear genetic factors many other factors also impact our weight and include environmental factors such as package size, portion size, how big our plate is and how fast we eat. Becoming more aware of the overeating cues can help you to resist food cravings and increase your general metabolic health.
- Whether it’s the Keto Diet or Intermittent Fasting our doctors can answer your most asked questions. Book in for your metabolic health check today
Does weight gain cause cancer? And how does weight gain cause arthritis?
- Obesity today has been linked directly to more than 13 cancers according to the NSW Cancer Council – including breast (post-menopause) bowel, kidney, liver, endometrial, ovarian, stomach, thyroid, oesophagus, gallbladder, pancreas, multiple myeloma and prostate cancer.
- In fact, every year in Australia, obesity is the cause for nearly 5,300 cancers.
- Other new research also shows that obesity impacts the effectiveness of chemotherapy and can stop it working as effectively.
- In terms of joint pain, every extra kg of weight on your tummy means a fourfold increased amount of pressure on the new, and this impact is worse when walking stairs or squatting.
- Obesity is also linked to sleep apnoea, high blood pressure, asthma, diabetes, and many other illnesses. If obesity is left untreated, someone who is 45kg overweight today can expect a reduced lifespan of 6.5-13.7 years, compared to their healthy weight peers, a meta-analysis of 20 different studies has found recently.
One in 3 Australians today are obese, compared to 1 in 5 in 1995 *
Overweight and obesity is now linked to 13 cancers *
Obesity impacts the effectiveness of chemotherapy *
Every extra kg of weight on your tummy means a fourfold increased amount of pressure on the knee *

A-Z Conditions that can cause weight gain
A to F
- Arthritis – There is no doubt that carrying excess weight can damage joints and almost two thirds of people with arthritis are overweight or obese. Some people complain they put on weight because of their aching joints restricting movement and making exercise more difficult. For example, it has been estimated that preventing obesity at the population level could reduce the prevalence of symptomatic knee OA in Australia by 43 per cent, and of knee OA requiring joint replacement by 53 per cent, according to Arthritis Australia.*
- Chemotherapy and Cancer – Chemo and other cancer treatments can lead to excess weight, as the treatment causes the body to hold on to excess fluid. Undergoing cancer treatments also increases fatigue which reduces the desire to exercise, and quite often chemo nausea is improved by eating.
- Research shows being overweight also independently impacts the success of chemotherapy treatments*, while obesity also increases the chances of getting cancer in the first place. *
- Cushing’s Syndrome – This is when the adrenal glands produce excess cortisol which leads to fat build up and characteristic plumping of the face, abdomen and back.
- Depressive Disorder – Whilst depression itself increases weight, often medication used to treat anxiety and depression can also cause weight gain or sometimes weight gain. Speak to your doctor if you believe your medication has impacted your weight.
- Diabetes – Weight gain/diabetes is known as the “twin epidemic” and weight gain is both a risk factor for diabetes and can make diabetes more difficult to treat.
- Weight gain is also common side effect for those who take insulin, which regulates the absorption of sugar. This is doubly frustrating because weight control is so important to diabetes weight management.
- Certain ethnic groups are also more likely to develop diabetes. China currently is the country with the most people diabetes in the world, closely followed by India, while the global incidence of diabetes is about 1 in 11 adults globally today and about 5% of the population in Australia. *
H to L
- Headaches – New research shows that migraines and obesity are linked and also that obese people are more at risk of chronic headaches.
- Hypoactive Thyroid – When your thyroid makes less of its own hormone your metabolism slows down and often weight increases.
- Heart Disease – An increase in body fat can increase heart disease risk through hardening of the artery walls due to a build-up of fats and cholesterol.
- Insomnia – Working odd hours, insomnia and disturbed sleep all impact the way our hormones work on our appetite. Sleeping less also means more waking hours to eat.
- Leptin Deficiency – This is a condition where leptin signalling is faulty. Leptin tells your brain how much fat is stored in your body’s fat cells.
M to Z
- Medication Induced Obesity – Many medications, for instance antidepressants, blood pressure medications, anti-psychotics and other medications are linked to weight gain
- Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome – This is a hormonal condition where high androgen levels can trigger body hair in women, irregular periods in women, acne, and weight gain. Women with PCOS tend to be more apple than pear shaped due to male hormones involved.
- Prader-Willi Syndrome – This is a disorder of the genes triggered by a chromosomal fault that causes abnormally extreme hunger, often intellectual disability, short stature, and outbursts of anciety.
- Pregnancy – How much weight should I gain in pregnancy? This is a commonly asked question, and an increasing area of concern for many mums as pregnancy is another hormonal trigger that can increase weight gain. Women should aim to gain between 12.5 and 18kg * in pregnancy, as excessive weight can have implications for mother and baby. A recent worldwide study shows that almost half of pregnant women are today gaining more weight than they should.
- Menopausal Obesity – Menopausal weight gain is linked to rapid hormonal changes that often cause fat to accumulate around the tummy. As we age, we also tend to have a more sedentary lifestyle which can also contribute.
- Steroid Induced Obesity – Corticosteroids can trigger weight gain by altering the body’s basic metabolic function and how it stores carbs, lipids, amino acids, and sugar – All of these factors can contribute to fluid retention and increased appetite.
Useful Links
Arthritis Australia and weight gain risk factors *
Overweight and obesity is now linked to 13 cancers *
Obesity impacts the effectiveness of chemotherapy *
50% of people with depression are obese,
Migraine Risk Factor for Obesity *
At the Infinity Health Weight Loss Clinic, our team can assist with your metabolic and diet issues and help create strategies to keep weight and metabolism on track.