Appointment Information
Please find important patient information below. For any additional information, we welcome a call from you.
Fees & billing arrangements
Infinity Health Green Square is a private billing practice, however we assess each patient individually to accommodate patients in need.
Medicare card holders may be eligible for rebates, and our reception staff are able to process this rebate on the spot with a valid EFTPOS card.
Consultations under workers’ compensation or motor vehicle third party are required to have a claim number and relevant employer information to provide to us to bill the relevant insurer.
For our fees and those regarding allied health consultations, procedures and other treatments, please go to our fees page for more information.
Please visit our Fees pages for more detail of our services we offer.
Length of appointments
Standard appointment times are 15 minutes however we know your reason to visit your doctors is not always the same. Therefore, we offer a variety of appointment lengths to suit your needs. If you feel you may need a longer appointment time (eg immunisations, mental health and chronic care assessments, minor ops) please inform reception when you book your appointment. We will make every effort to accommodate your preferred time and doctor.
Emergencies can happen, and we will always give priority to any patient needing to be seen for urgent care. Our reception staff will endeavor to contact you if there is an unforeseen delay to see your doctor.
Payment methods
We accept all major credit cards and EFTPOS.
Patient Registration Forms

Medical Certificates
Medical certificates are legal documents and are permitted only if you present for consultation with a doctor with a valid reason for work absence.
*Please note that we’re not permitted by law to backdate medical certificates, and the date of consultation/attendance will be marked on the document. Dates of illness will reflect the actual duration of illness, and this may predate the presentation.
Test Results and Pathology
As test results are an important part of your medical care and may need explanation and further action, for any discussion of your results please make an appointment to see your doctor.
Referral to Specialists
Your GP at Green Square Health is a specialist in whole patient care and is qualified to determine, in collaboration with you, whether you need to see a hospital specialist and which type of specialist would best meet your health needs.
For this reason, it is essential that you make an appointment to see your GP for any referral to a specialist.
Contacting your doctor
For all health advice please make an appointment with your doctor. If you would like to speak with your doctor over the phone we encourage you to book a telehealth appointment.
If you have an urgent concern about your health, please call, advise reception the matter is urgent and ask to speak to a clinical staff member.
To reduce the risk of adverse health outcomes we strongly discourage the use of email to communicate with the practice. The practice email may go unmonitored for up to 72 hours. Please call the practice if you have any concerns you wish to discuss.
If you are having significant chest pain, shortness of breath, heavy bleeding or think it may be an emergency, please call 000 for an ambulance.
We take your privacy seriously. For that and other medico-legal reasons, we are unable to provide you with your results over the phone, unless prior arrangements are made between you and your doctor. We encourage our patients to return for their results, so that you may develop a further plan for preventative care with your GP. To ensure that you see your preferred doctor at a preferred time, we recommend making the follow up appointment at the end of your initial consultation.
Reminder system
Our practice is committed to providing you with optimal preventative health care. You may receive a reminder letter or SMS from us or from state, national or territory reminder systems (eg cervical screening, immunisations) from time to time. We will seek your consent when you register as a patient with us in order to do so, however if you wish to opt out of this service, please inform our reception staff upon registering.
Repeat referrals & prescriptions
We are driven to provide specialists accurate referrals, as well as undertake relevant diagnostics for your health conditions before we make a prescription. In the interest of providing a tailored health care approach, we are unable to provide repeat referrals or prescriptions outside of consultations.
Management of your health information
Your health information is collected and used directly in association with your health care. It is a confidential electronic document. We maintain a policy regarding the security of your medical records at all times. A copy of our privacy policy is available at reception, or you can access a copy here.
Feedback & complaints
We value your feedback or concerns regarding our practice and services. Your feedback is not only your right to be heard but provides us with an opportunity for quality improvements so that we may continue to provide comprehensive and effective services.
You can write to us regarding your feedback via post or email:
Attn: Practice Manager
Infinity Health Medical Centre Green Square
Shop 108 / 305 Botany Road
Zetland, NSW 2017
You may also wish to forward your complaint directly to the Health Care Complaints Commission:
Health Care Complaints Commission
Tel: 1800 043 159
Postal: Locked Mail Bag 18, Strawberry Hills NSW 2012

Public Transport
Green Square Train Station is opposite Infinity, on the corner of O’Riordan Street and Botany Road, just a minute’s walk away.
Follow this link for information on routes and times:
There is a bus stop right outside of the Infinity building.
Bus Stop ID is: 201715
Follow this link for bus times and routes:
Wheelchair Access
Our practice is located on the ground floor, and there is disability access into our Centre. We also have disabled toilet access. Additionally, there is a drop-off zone at the front of our Centre, for ease of access.
Interpreter & other communication services
It is important to us that you understand the health information provided to you. If you require an interpreter service or other communication service (e.g. National Relay Service), please inform reception when you book your appointment and we can arrange this on your behalf.
Home visits
Home visits are available to patients upon request. We take all requests for home visits on a case-by-case basis and have policies regarding what request is appropriate. Please contact our reception staff regarding a request for a home visit within our opening hours.
Care outside normal opening hours
We provide onsite services until 6pm weekdays. For medical attention required after these hours please contact the National Home Doctors Service on 13SICK (13 7425). You may also telephone the after-hours GP helpline on 1800 022 222. If in an emergency, please call 000.
Telephone access & electronic communication
Due to confidentiality purposes, phone calls from patients are generally not taken by the doctors during consultations. Our reception staff will triage your call and determine the level of urgency, and whether interruption to a consultation is warranted. Patients may be asked to leave a contact number and phone message for your doctor to return your call.
We provide our patients with an email address to communicate with us. The use of this email is to communicate information of a general nature only. For more sensitive and confidential communication, please telephone us or attend in person.