I am Ready to FIGHT the Winter Flu

March 31, 2023

The Flu Shot – The Solution.

What is the Flu Vaccination Shot and its purpose ?

The Flu Vaccination is a vaccine that protects against influenza viruses. It works by introducing a small amount of weakened or dead flu virus into your body, which triggers your immune system to produce antibodies that will protect you from future infections.

The purpose of having the vaccination is to protect against the three or four influenza viruses that research suggests may the most common during the upcoming flu season. It will prevent and reduce the severity of illness if you do get sick.

      • Annual vaccination is the most important measure to prevent influenza
      • It is recommended for all people >6 months of age
      • For adults aged >65 years, both the adjuvanted (Fluad® Quad) and high dose influenza vaccine (Fluzone® High-Dose Quadrivalent) are preferentially recommended over standard influenza vaccine.
      • If a person had a 2022 influenza vaccine in late 2022 or early 2023, they are still recommended to receive a 2023 formulation of influenza vaccine from March 2023. 

There is More than ONE Type of Vaccine….

      • Flucelvax® Quad is a cell-based influenza vaccine registered for use in adults and children from 2 years of age, but it is not currently funded on the NIP.
      • Fluad® Quad is available and NIP founded for people aged >65 years.
      • Fluzone® High-Dose Quadrivalent is available for people aged >60 years but is not NIP founded.
      • Vaxigrip Tetra® and Fluarix Tetra® for eligible people aged 6 months to 64 years
      • Afluria® Quad for eligible people aged 5 years to 64 years

It’s the time of the season where influenza is running high.  

That’s right, it’s Flu Season. Get a Flu Shot today
and make a difference.

Getting the flu vaccine is the most effective way to reduce the risk of getting the flu and reducing the spread of influenza within the community. It is important to get your flu vaccine in April and May, before the start of the June to September flu season. By getting your flu vaccination you’re not just protecting yourself, you’re also protecting vulnerable people who are too sick, too young such as babies less than six months old and those who have low immunity.

Call Today to Book for a Flu Vaccine or Book Online.

Stay Safe during the Flu Season!