by xavier | Mar 9, 2021 | Uncategorized
By way of introduction, my name is James Vandeleur, general practitioner at Infinity Health Medical Centre, Green Square. Many people ask me why I decided to choose medicine as a career and, in particular, why general practice and why Infinity Health Green Square....
by xavier | Mar 9, 2021 | Uncategorized
Most of us want to feel and move better yet the last thing we want to do is foam roll or stretch – the things we need to do to move and feel better. Instead we’ll sit in a rounded posture all day and expect our bodies to do these crazy workouts and wonder why we’re...
by xavier | Mar 9, 2021 | Uncategorized
You can probably recall your recent experience visiting with your GP or physio. What rating would you give? Take a few minutes to think about it. I can certainly recall many memorable experiences with my GP. Seeking treatment for a sprained ankle as a child, beating...