Here are a few good reasons to book in for a flu shot courtesy of Infinity Health Medical Centre Green Square Nurse Cathy Cheng.
1. The flu can be serious and apart from feeling dreadful, unvaccinated patients risk spreading it to vulnerable populations.
2. People can’t get sick from a flu shot because the vaccine does not contain the active virus. It takes about two weeks for immunity to develop after getting the flu shot, so when people do get the flu soon after getting a shot, it’s because immunity was not yet fully developed.
3. A flu shot is required every year as influenza viruses change frequently.
4. IHMC currently has a limited supply of free flu shots for anyone who is a valid Medicare holder and is:
– Pregnant
– Over 65
– A baby 6 months up to 5 years
– People with chronic health conditions
– Aboriginal/Torres Strait Islander people over 6 months.
Please also note the flu shot cannot be administered within 14 days of a COVID-19 vaccine.
Contact us today on 8252 6599 to book in your flu shot.