Cosmetic treatment now available

Cosmetic treatment now available

At Nufresh Skin & Cosmetic Clinic, we provide a wide range of cosmetic treatments using highly tested and quality products to help you achieve your goals. All of our patients receives an individually tailored treatment plan specifically for them, provided by...
It’s time for the flu shot!

It’s time for the flu shot!

Here are a few good reasons to book in for a flu shot courtesy of Infinity Health Medical Centre Green Square Nurse Cathy Cheng. 1. The flu can be serious and apart from feeling dreadful, unvaccinated patients risk spreading it to vulnerable populations. 2. People...
Getting to know Dr James Vandeleur

Getting to know Dr James Vandeleur

By way of introduction, my name is James Vandeleur, general practitioner at Infinity Health Medical Centre, Green Square. Many people ask me why I decided to choose medicine as a career and, in particular, why general practice and why Infinity Health Green Square....
Are you ready to feel and look good?

Are you ready to feel and look good?

Most of us want to feel and move better yet the last thing we want to do is foam roll or stretch – the things we need to do to move and feel better.  Instead we’ll sit in a rounded posture all day and expect our bodies to do these crazy workouts and wonder why we’re...
Quality care. Everyday.

Quality care. Everyday.

You can probably recall your recent experience visiting with your GP or physio. What rating would you give? Take a few minutes to think about it. I can certainly recall many memorable experiences with my GP. Seeking treatment for a sprained ankle as a child, beating...